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Misuse of ground wire as neutral return wire in old house
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Here a problem where the "obvious" solution scares me, need some advice on how to best proceed. My home (built 1920 with knob and tube type wiring) has been upgraded over the years by prior owners, but in many place still has active current in the old wires, in other places it is spliced into a...
What is the defferent between 3phase 3 wire and 3 phase 4 wire energy meter?
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What is the different between 3phase 3 wire and 3 phase 4 wire energy meter?
Connecting neutral wire to ground wire in breaker panel
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Can the neutral wire be connected to the ground wire at the neutral bar in the breaker panel?
Neutral wire is hot(has voltage potential like the black wire)
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Hi, The problem started at midnight last week. One of my line in the basement is starting to have issue whenever I connect a water pump or appliances to the outlets. Before I plug the appliance in, the neutral is neutral(zero voltage), but when I plug the appliance in, the neutral is now... View more questions Search