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3 harbor breeze fans controlled by 1 remote
[ 4 Answers ]
I have 3 harbor breeze fans with three wireless controllers all set to the same remote channel so they 'should' all do the same thing. At times they get out of sync and I have found no way to 'reset' the fans do a default mode. The only solution I have found is to disconnect the AC from two of...
Harbor Breeze remote & wall control both?
[ 3 Answers ]
Just purchased a Harbor Breeze Triton fan at Lowe's. It came with a remote. I purchased a spare remote, and a wall unit. The thing is, even though the dip switches are ALL set EXACTLY the same, I can never get more than ONE of the controls to work! If I install the transmitter from the...
Harbor breeze triton remote control wiring
[ 1 Answers ]
Have problems installing my fan. I have a red, white and black wire, plus a copper ground coming from the ceiling and I have a remote receiver with a black and a white wire only. Logically to me, the white goes to the white and the black goes to the black, but what about the red? Thanks in...
Harbor breeze remote control
[ 2 Answers ]
We purchased a house and the remotes for one of our fans has come unprogrammed I know the code what steps do I need to follow to reprogram the remote with the fan.
HARBOR BREEZE CEILING FANS: Fan & Remote Control Frequency Settings
[ 1 Answers ]
We recently remodeled our home and had 3 Harbor Breeze ceiling fans installed. Being that we did not install the fans ourselves, we do not have the instruction manual. All of our fans are set to the same transmitter frequencies, so that when you turn one fan or light on, all of them go on. I... View more questions Search