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    shawnseward's Avatar
    shawnseward Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Oct 21, 2006, 07:25 PM
    Harbor breeze remote control
    We purchased a house and the remotes for one of our fans has come unprogrammed I know the code what steps do I need to follow to reprogram the remote with the fan.
    ceilingfanrepair's Avatar
    ceilingfanrepair Posts: 5,733, Reputation: 109
    Uber Member

    Oct 21, 2006, 08:35 PM
    Usually the frequency is set by the "dip switches" which are inside the back of the remote-- try removing the battery cover. You may have to open the entire thing.
    Dave Gambrel's Avatar
    Dave Gambrel Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 26, 2007, 08:38 PM
    The date may be too late, but I'll answer anyway. The fan assembly contains a receiver that "listens" to a little hand-held transmitter called a remote control. HOWEVER, it cannot "hear" the remote unless the remote "calls its exact number". Here is how to "dial":
    Open the remote's battery compartment. You will see a tiny blue pad with four white switches. Move the first one down and leave the other three up. Check to see if the remote works. If it does not, move the first one up and the second one down. Repeat the process until you find a switch setting that works. Close the battery cover and leave it alone. Be careful not to move the switch the next time you change batteries.

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