Originally Posted by
Check the dip switches first before you try replacing parts.
Thanks. I checked them, and bought a replacement remote at Lowe's (but couldn't just buy the remote, had to buy the remote and receiver together). The replacement remote appears to be identical, and the dip switches were set in the same position as the old remote (all on). Voilą, working remote... sort of. On a new battery, the range appears to be about 6-8 feet, not 40 as advertised on the packaging - and even stranger, it seems directionally sensitive, and the only place in that small radius that the remote *doesn't* work from is the couch... never had this problem with the previous (seemingly identical) remote.
This one is going back for an exchange, and hopefully that will address the issue. I can say with some confidence now that there was a problem with the remote... but I can't say I'm happy with Harbor Breeze products at the moment...