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    Needshelp17's Avatar
    Needshelp17 Posts: 18, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 16, 2020, 10:11 AM
    Grounding and bonding
    New home construction, 200 amp service, I am installing the meter socket and connecting the grounding lug with 4 AWG cable to two 8' grounding rods placed 10' apart. The new 200 amp circuit panel is being installed inside behind the meter socket and will have the main disconnect inside. Do I need to run a 4 AWG cable from the neutral/grounding bar in the circuit panel to the meter socket grounding lug? Or is it already grounded by the neutral on the service entrance cable? Or does it need to be grounded independently to a ufer or the plumbing?
    Thank you.
    InfoJunkie4Life's Avatar
    InfoJunkie4Life Posts: 1,409, Reputation: 81
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    Sep 22, 2020, 05:18 AM
    From weatherhead to meter socket (service disconnect)
    3 conductors in 2" rigid conduit: all 3/0 insulated copper, 2 hot one neutral.

    In meter socket box
    Two 3/0 hots connected to top of meter socket from weatherhead. Two 2/0 hots connected to main disconnect running to breaker panel.

    Neutral is connected to neutral bar which, via #6 copper, is grounded by 2 earth grounding rods. The grounds are 8' 5/8" copper which are connected via #6 bare copper using clamps.

    From meter socket (service disconnect) to breaker panel
    4 wires all in the same 2" rigid conduit: two 2/0 insulated copper hot, one #6 insulated neutral, one #6 insulated ground .

    In the breaker panel
    2 hots connected to breaker lugs, neutral connected to neutral bar, ground is connected to DIFFERENT ground bar. From the ground bar #4 copper is connected to the copper plumbing pipes with a clamp for grounding.

    InfoJunkie4Life's Avatar
    InfoJunkie4Life Posts: 1,409, Reputation: 81
    Ultra Member

    Sep 22, 2020, 05:40 AM
    Bonding only occurs once on the premesis, usually at the service disconnect, from there on r neutral and ground are separate.

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