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Hampton Bay ceiling fan light fixture stopped working but fan still works why?
[ 14 Answers ]
New light put in my Hampton Bay ceiling fan, but then after a few days, no light bulbs work but fan runs fine, why is this happening?:confused:
Hampton Bay Remote Ceiling Fan - light works - no fan
[ 2 Answers ]
After about 4 months of use, this began to happen. I would try to turn on the fan (either Low Med or High) and the fan would barely turn. Sometimes it would work - this lasted for about 5 days. Since then, if you try to turn on the fan, you get no response. Now, the light will still turn on...
Installing a light kit on a ceiling fan where a switch enables both fan and light
[ 2 Answers ]
I have a Hampton Bay ceiling fan with three wires emerging from the top: white, black, red, and green. Presently the white, black, and green are hooked up to a switch and the fan works fine. The red is capped. The fan also has a chain which I intend on keeping on the medium setting indefinitely. ...
Ceiling fan remote control coverting to light/fan dimmer
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I am currently remodeling my home and am coming across a major problem that NO ONE seems to have an answer for. I have two ceiling fans that operate via remote control. The rest of the ones in my home are the popular "pull down" chains - and those work prefectly with the new fan/light dimmers...
Trouble with ceiling fan on a dual fan/light dimmer switch
[ 1 Answers ]
I just installed a new Harbor Breeze ceiling fan and dual fan/light dimmer, also from Harbor Breeze. Unfortunately, now I'm scratching my head... Do I have a bad dimmer switch? Here's the problem: 1. The light will turn on only when the fan speed on the wall switch is set to high. 2. When... View more questions Search