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    fbpsimi's Avatar
    fbpsimi Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Sep 26, 2007, 03:38 PM
    3 harbor breeze fans controlled by 1 remote
    I have 3 harbor breeze fans with three wireless controllers all set to the same remote channel so they 'should' all do the same thing. At times they get out of sync and I have found no way to 'reset' the fans do a default mode. The only solution I have found is to disconnect the AC from two of the fans and program the live on to behave as the second powered down one. Then I attach the ac to the second and program the live to to behave as the third powered down one. Is the a remote equivalent of control alt delete to reset the receives. They seem to have an NV ram to remember their last powered down state for ever. Also, anyone know the actual manufactures name or phone number. I am sure Lowe's does not make these.

    ballengerb1's Avatar
    ballengerb1 Posts: 27,378, Reputation: 2280
    Home Repair & Remodeling Expert

    Sep 26, 2007, 06:14 PM
    Lowe's doesn't make anything but Harbor Breeze is only made for them, they can get you to tech support. What you describ is a bit unusal. I'd love to know what they tell you. I have controlled multiple fans with one remote but never got out of sync.
    ceilingfanrepair's Avatar
    ceilingfanrepair Posts: 5,733, Reputation: 109
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    Sep 28, 2007, 11:33 AM
    There is no reset, they are designed so that one remote operates one fan. You can use them in other combinations but it's rarely ideal.

    Harbor Breeze is made by Litex, the phone number is in our sticky.

    Ceiling fan remote controls - help and FAQ- Ceiling Fans N More

    Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fans - Ceiling Fans N More
    Grace Klepaski's Avatar
    Grace Klepaski Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    May 11, 2013, 10:51 AM
    I have a Harbor Freight Ceiling Light with remote and the light works but the fan does not. The fan is a year old. Can you give me some reasons this would happen.
    Grace Klepaski's Avatar
    Grace Klepaski Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    May 11, 2013, 10:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Grace Klepaski View Post
    I have a Harbor Freight Ceiling Light with remote and the light works but the fan does not. The fan is a year old. Can you give me some reasons why this would happen.
    Can I switch the fan to just a pull change for both the light and fan and eliminate the remote altogether. Thanks for your response.

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