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Warm cold water
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My cold water at the sinks runs very warm before it turns cool
What do I do about guy who's warm one minute and cold the next?
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Ok... so this might be kind of long but here goes: so I dated this guy for like seven months, we were really close attached at the hip; you know how the story goes, well he broke up with me for a few reasons which from what I've been told was more to push me away than anything, well, we didn't...
Always cold-can't get warm?
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This question is actually for my mom. She had gastric bypass surgery over 4 years ago and is doing great. She was never a cold natured person before, even after losing over 125 lbs. but in the last six months it seems that she can't get warm. On a typical day she wears pantyhose, long johns, and...
Luk warm to cold shower
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I have 2 showers 1 with temp control the other doesn't.when I run the sinks the water comes out hot. I ran the hot water for the shower and check he pipe it was warm then ran the sinks the pipe was hot. I have a oil furnace that heats the hot water.
Furnace blowing cold air.starts out warm, goes to cold.
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Hoping for help here. I recently had my ignitor replaced. Before that, the furnace wasn't working at all. Now it starts blowing warm (not hot) air, then gradually over a period of a couple of hours, the air cools down until it is completely cold and the temperature in the house drops drastically.... View more questions Search