New Member
Jul 19, 2012, 09:20 PM
What is it with the world ?
It seems that every day of the year is worse than ever nothing seems to be getting better, its all going to a disaster, and it seems like there is nothing any human can change no matter how good he is.wter every day is decreasing, forests are being cut down lakes and rivers are being contaminated, and species of animals are indangered, well ill tell you one thing no one on earth can or will change the way the world is now or ever.
New Member
Jul 20, 2012, 12:39 AM
I agree with your perspective.
But simply not enough people care to make changes. Which is quite sad because this is the only place where we live.
current pert
Jul 20, 2012, 01:56 AM
1. You can use very little of the earth's resources yourself.
2. You can have no or few children.
3. You can work with others who really are trying to save the planet.
4. You can educate yourself and write helpfully and informatively on the subject.
Or you can predict doom and gloom and basically do nothing.
Jul 20, 2012, 06:54 AM
There is always change, change happens for good or for bad.
There were disasters of all kinds 3000 years ago, there was just no international news to know about it. Entire cities wiped off the face of the earth by invading armies. There were disasters that destroyed most of Europe and killed millions in the varioius world wars.
The problem today is you hear about all of it, and you get far too much incorrect info on the same thing. A decade ago it was Global Cooling that was going to kill all of us, Today it is Global Warming.
You talk about trees being cut, but not about things like in the US, where trees are replanted in all the forest where they are cut.
Everyone wants to get rid of gas powered things, but then do not want the nuclear reactor in their state, they want them, but not where they live. People in large really do not want to change at this time.
Junior Member
Mar 28, 2014, 10:09 PM
Everybody expresses concern, but few are willing to make major changes/sacrifices to do anything about it. I'm afraid we'll have to reach crisis mode and have the issue solved in the most undesirable ways.
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