New Member
Mar 6, 2018, 10:59 PM
What are the different methods to stop global warming?
What are the best ways to stop/ reduce global warming?
Which is the best method?
Uber Member
Mar 7, 2018, 08:25 PM
Best ways? Not sure there is one way. How did the ice age disappear( global warming) when there were very few people on the earth? How did palm trees get in the Greenland ice cap? Climate has changed a number of times with no people on the earth. Europe is having one of its coldest winters in decades, thousands of animals dying from the cold. Talk about irony, Al Gore jets around in his private rented jet and uses a GAS powered Lincoln. Tell him to fly coach! We can all do some effort but not sure how much may work.
Pest Control Expert
Mar 8, 2018, 01:35 AM
The simplest answer is the most difficult to achieve: put out the sun.
Sarcasm aside, reducing the amount of pollutants you generate will improve your environment. You have to decide which pollutants you want to reduce. Is natural gas (methane) a less damaging method of heating than wood burning? On a larger scale, does solar panel manufacturing cause more harm than hydroelectric dam building? You have to look at the big picture as well as your personal lifestyle.
Mar 8, 2018, 07:38 AM
You cannot stop global warming as it is but a function of the planet. You can stop mans filthy pollution of it though. Stop doing stuff to foul the land, sea, and air, and the life killing activities we engage in, would be a start. Oil spills and factories spewing poison can't be good. Nor can cutting the trees in the rain forests.
Papa got to have that new car, and big house though don't he?
Uber Member
Mar 8, 2018, 09:25 AM
You can't stop something that isn't happening. Global Warming is a hoax, a fraud... something that ISN'T real.
Calling it Climate change instead is disingenuous...because the climate has always changed..and always will change. With or without Humans. Look at how warm it was before the last ice age....can't blame humans for that.
current pert
Mar 8, 2018, 10:12 AM
Actually it IS warming. It's average over the earth, so we see extremes of cold and heat, but the stats are real, and the poles are good evidence of how rapid it is, outside of normal fluctuations, and sun spots, and so on.
The poles are a good scary example of what will happen when the tipping point is reached. The ocean deeps can only churn up so much cold to mix with the top waters. The while snow and ice of the poles reflects HUGE amounts of warmth away, as opposed to absorption of more and more heat in dark waters. Just wait, you'll see. Won't be in my lifetime but I'm 71. Have fun. Yes, Water World!
One way is to reduce the 7 billion humans on the planet by oh I don't know maybe 90%. Superbugs would do it. We have them already but gov'ts are afraid to raise a real alarm. Not that many people will listen.
current pert
Mar 8, 2018, 10:32 AM
I get a stinkbug or two. No invasion here yet, in NW CT.
What we have all over the tri-state area and probably beyond, is the invasive version of bittersweet, brought to the US from China as a cheaper ornamental, with it's pretty orange berries. It will kill ANYTHING by strangulation, even huge trees.
Jobs & Parenting Expert
Mar 8, 2018, 10:46 AM
Periwinkle is taking over my yard. Maybe it contains a chemical that will kill stinkbugs when they chew on the leaves....
current pert
Mar 8, 2018, 02:53 PM
I love periwinkle! Wouldn't hurt a flea
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