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Will an oil-based paint cover a latex paint?
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Will an oil-based cover a latex ceiling paint? I have a customer that had some ceilings painted and there is now moisture damage showing through the paint. Will an oil-based sealant/primer (such as kilz or pro-bloc) adhere to the latex painted ceilings?
Latex Paint Down the Drain
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Hello. Yesterday a half gallon of latex paint accidentally spilled down my kitchen sink. I immediately ran hot water down the sink, and there was (and still is not) no clogging or back-up, so I assumed everything was fine. Today, my Super came to my apt, brought me to the basement, and showed me...
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OK, I painted the hallway upstairs. I used HD's best latex w/primer built in. I painted eggshell over flat. (contractor grade flat paint) The new (eggshell) paint soaked in like a sponge and dried so fast you really had to be careful when applying roller strokes or you could see the pattern in the...
I got latex paint on my carpet!
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I just finished painting my hallways in the upstairs of my house a very dark green. I have tan carpet, which I splashed some paint on. I tried soap and water, no go. Does anyone have any suggestions how to get the paint out of my carpet? I am afraid I am going to have to have all of the carpeting...
Latex or oil , old paint
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