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Why cold air blows out of cold air return when furnace is on
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Why does cold air blow out of the cold air return when the furance is on?
Cold and drafty from ceiling mounted cold air return
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I recently purchased a adobe style home built in 2000 with a Single Roof Mounted combined HVAC system in the Albuquerque New Mexico Area. Directly below the HVAC is the only cold air return duct work located in the ceiling of the Hallway on one end of the Home. A single Thermostat for the entire...
Cold Snowblower great, cold dies
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I have an old Tech engine snowblower and it starts great and everything , but recently it has started acting-up it lacks power and dies when warmed-up please help:confused:
Furnace blowing cold air.starts out warm, goes to cold.
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Hoping for help here. I recently had my ignitor replaced. Before that, the furnace wasn't working at all. Now it starts blowing warm (not hot) air, then gradually over a period of a couple of hours, the air cools down until it is completely cold and the temperature in the house drops drastically....
New mains shower, reasonably new Combi-boiler, but hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold shower!
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I've recently had a new bathroom put in, with a mains shower (used to be electric). But now my shower keeps running hot-cold-hot-cold every minute or so. My bath tap and sink tap in the bathroom are running fine, it's just the shower. I was told this shouldn't happen as I have a combi-boiler but... View more questions Search