New Member
Nov 2, 2014, 03:52 AM
I'm a preschool teacher and I'm having a bit of an issue with a bus driver. Everyday
I'm a preschool teacher and I'm having a bit of an issue with a bus driver. Everyday my kids have to catch a early. This bus needs to leave early to beat out the other big buses to pick up the students at the next school. Well, lately we've been going to the bus late and just recently we were so late because one of my kids had an accident on the way to the bus. Well this bus driver has been rude since the beginning of the school year and when we've been gettting to that person late, they ignore us or pull an attitude on us teachers. When we were really late, not only did they flip on their attitude and show anger, but told the teacher at the next school to email me to not be late again.I have a good relationship with that teacher previously mentioned and having that bus driver to tell that teacher to email me was, what I felt, crossing the line with me. I know I'm late and we are working on it, but I feel its not their business to do what they did and I worry that if that person gets angered that much, I worry about my kids safety with that person. Should I turn that person in?
Nov 2, 2014, 04:14 AM
Turn that person in ? No, I would not do that. Have you tried having a one on one with this bus driver and sorting out the issues with communication instead of under handed tactics ?
Uber Member
Nov 2, 2014, 04:54 AM
Remember that the bus driver has to keep to a fairly strict schedule. I'm guessing that the driver thought that if you heard from someone else who is effected by the lateness it might encourage you to try harder to be on time. Sure they could be a bit more understanding, especially with preschool age, but it appears that it is becoming a little more than a couple of times of being a little late.
Consider if you were on the other end and having to have your students repeatedly wait for a late bus.
Easiest fix would be to end your day a little sooner so that you have an extra cushion of time to get the kids to the bus.
Marriage Expert
Nov 2, 2014, 05:29 AM
Accidents causing you to be late is one thing, but this sounds like a daily occurrence and may need scheduling adjustment.
Is everyone in the school being released at the same time? If so and getting through crowded halls is part of the issue ask your principal/director if the smaller children can be released five minutes before the older students.
You may have a good relationship with the teacher at the next school, but that doesn't mean she isn't getting upset about the bus being late at her school. The bus driver may have explained why they are always late because they were being yelled at for tardiness. It sounds like most of this is akin to the little bug who went achoo or the domino effect.
Frankly, it sounds like you are a bit frustrated and so is the bus driver. You are both looking at your own parts and it appears to be making you upset with the other person. Perhaps sitting down with the principal and discussing workable solutions for the issues might help everyone calm down.
current pert
Nov 2, 2014, 06:04 AM
No, you don't turn the driver in. You admit that it's been a problem aside from that one accident day. You work on getting your children to the bus on time. Not being on time is a safety hazard! Think how you will feel if there is a REAL accident on the road because people are rushing to keep to a schedule.
I can never understand habitually late people. It's self centered. You set your timer to start earlier. It's SO EASY.
Nov 2, 2014, 06:05 AM
It sounds like the bus driver is doing their job, They are to get away from the school at a certain time. You or other teachers, seem to be the problem.
If you merely get the children to the bus on time, this will not happen,
It appears you are angry because the bus driver expects you to do your job properly and get children to bus on proper time.
Uber Member
Nov 2, 2014, 09:26 AM
This is ALL your fault not the bus drivers. It's not their fault you are constantly late... its your obligation to make sure your kids will be ready early and at least on-time. Where I grew up if you was late, you missed the bus and you had to find another way to get to school on time or get home from it.
Time to get off your high horse and face reality. Sorry to be harsh, but the earth doesn't revolve around you or your kids.
Nov 2, 2014, 09:32 AM
Ahh.. The conundrum of the early bus. You are the one responsible of making sure the kiddos are ready when the bus arrives. Sure, you are going to have an "accident" every once in a while, but as the teacher, it is ultimately your responsibility to make sure the kids are ready at dismissal time.
Actually you aren't having problem with the bus driver, he/she is having a hard time with your habitual tardiness, and rightfully so. It is you who is responsible for readjusting your class schedule to meet the dismissal needs.
Senior Member
Nov 2, 2014, 09:50 AM
Teacher, the jury has spoken, you have been found inconsiderate of the children and the bus driver. Time for an adjustment in your handling of the problem and I don't mean reporting the bus driver. Eh
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