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Public kindergarten vs. Homeschool kindergarten
[ 24 Answers ]
I am a concerned grandma. My son & daughter-in-law are going to homeschool my grandson for kindergarten and then send him to public first grade next year when his sister will go to public kindergarten. He will be 6 the end of December. He is very bright and the actual learning part of...
Should I homeschool my children
[ 5 Answers ]
I am considering homeschooling my 6th grade son. He started middle school this year and is having a horrible go of it. He is writing defecient and the 'extra time' they have allotted through an IEP has not remedied the situation; he's struggled with it since 1st grade. I let them hold him back in...
Can I homeschool Kindergarten to start my child early?
[ 3 Answers ]
Hello. So glad to have found this sight. I have an almost 4 year old (late Dec Bday) girl who is now reading and writing. She is very mature and clearly gifted. I asked my elementary school principal about starting her in K early and she said they never do that due to social reasons, etc. ...
Kindergarten homeschool for four year old
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If I homeschool my four year old in Kindergarten can she go to school next year as a first grader?
Can I still homeschool my child
[ 6 Answers ]
I want to know when I can start haomeschooling my daughter she is 3 but, is already learning what you do in 1st grade. I use to be a aide in a dayschool( it's kind of like preschool but, a bit diffrent) but, when ca I start is it too early to start now? I'm have a mild form of desexlia(with both... View more questions Search