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90's or 80's movie with girl and some troll/dwarf type creature
[ 1 Answers ]
I can't really remember which date/setting the movie was set as... all I remember is some girl with some weird troll/dwarf type creature in some odd land setting... can't remember if the creature was meant to be good or bad... I also remember them attempting to cross some steamy lake part on the...
I usedto have this doll that was a boy rockstar doll that danced.
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I can't remember its name only what I called it. It was in the 80s and he had bright sequinced pants. I really want to find it. If anyone can help Thanks
A movie with a troll or some type of animal?
[ 1 Answers ]
I am looking for a movie that I don't remember a lot of detail about. I believe there were trolls in this movie... they were in a forest or some type of wooded area. One of the trolls (or whatever type of animal it was) liked to swing. That's pretty much all I remember. Anyone have any ideas?
Anyone know the name of this hot pink-metallic barbie-type doll from the 80's?
[ 3 Answers ]
OK, when I was little a lot of my friends had this barbie that had hot pink- metallic body and I think hot pink hair with metallic strands in it.. I was wondering if anyone on here remembers this toy and if they remember the name of it, as I would like to try to find it on eBay.. View more questions Search