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    melikinskitty's Avatar
    melikinskitty Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 23, 2009, 10:35 PM
    My 2 yr old yorkie seems to be sick.
    all of a sudden on Monday of last week tiffany my two yr old 3lb yorkie stopped eatting.. and then slowly stopped drinking.. I tried everything between Monday and Thursday when I first took her to the vet to get her to eat.. nothing..

    then I broke down and took her to the vet.. they took x-rays and blood work and she was really dehydrated and saw a mass in her tummy so they iv'd her and sent her to the hospital $2000 later the hospital told me nothing was wrong with her.. just that she had become picky.. that she was a diva..

    well they hand fed her baby food and it worked.. and she was rehydrated and all.. and they sent her home.. strintly baby food until today.. then slowly introduce today her dog food mixed with the baby food..

    well she licked the baby food off the food and sit out the rest.. and will not drink AT ALL... they said don't worry.. she just needs a few days to get reajusted to food.. and she will drink... well.. hello.. wasn't that the reason I went there.. I spent $2000 for them to tell me nothing was wrong with her.. and her blood work.. and that she had diatery indescretion.. which meant.. she didn't feel like eating.. the vet said.. and since she was hyper the whole time (even now) there was nothing to worry about

    what can I do.. she is home now.. and still whining like she is in pain.. and hasn't drank anything.. I have several different types of water out.. tap.. bottled.. britta filtered.. some mixed with the baby food.. some mixed with rice.. and some mixed with chicken..

    all in different bowls.. on the floor away from where her food normally is and a bowl of water where her food usually is..

    why is she still not drinking?

    what can I do to help her from dehydrating?

    I am at witts end.. I haven't slept more then an hour or so a night being so worried!!

    any advice??
    Silverfoxkit's Avatar
    Silverfoxkit Posts: 798, Reputation: 264
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    Mar 23, 2009, 11:18 PM

    I would advise you to get a second opinion from a different vet. The vet you took your dog to doesn't seem to care at all about your dogs health. This doesn't seem like a "picky" dog to me. Dehydration is dangerous, especially for a small dog like her that can dehydrate very quickly.
    msary80's Avatar
    msary80 Posts: 6, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 24, 2009, 05:44 PM

    If you're interested in learning about dog diseases, please click the link below. Dog diseases - common dog diseases and symptoms
    shazamataz's Avatar
    shazamataz Posts: 6,642, Reputation: 1244
    Uber Member

    Mar 25, 2009, 04:09 AM
    Is she drinking at all? Even a small amount?
    If so get some electrolytes powder and mix it into her water to help rehydrate her. If she refuses to drink anything try getting an ice block (large one) some dogs love licking ice.
    Another alternative would be an eye dropper with water in it, just try to squirt a bit into her mouth slowly when she is sitting, every bit of water you can get into her will help.

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