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    bugsyandme's Avatar
    bugsyandme Posts: 5, Reputation: 2
    New Member

    Apr 1, 2006, 07:41 AM
    HELP, puppy schedule crisis
    I fed him at 10:00am and then later at 6pm. And last night I was right on schedule with my boston terrier. He finally pooped.

    He pooped at 7:40pm last night and I thought that was it. I was so happy!!
    But I was wrong! I woke up and found poop all over his cage. I was going to walk him at 9am. Can someone tell me at what time is OK to walk a puppy in the mornings?

    Wasn't he supposed to hold it in till I came? Didn't he learn already that he should only poop outside? What went wrong?

    Here's his schedule, he's 5 months old actually 6 months old now.
    10:00am I feed him
    I walk him at 4pm
    6:00pm I feed him
    I walk him at 7:00pm

    Someone fix my schedule I just can't understand it! Help!:confused: :( :eek:
    aj55's Avatar
    aj55 Posts: 68, Reputation: 5
    Junior Member

    Apr 1, 2006, 06:37 PM
    Hi bugsy.

    Being an owner of a lab puppy for about 6 months I would say your dog needs more exercise. A puppy that age needs a walk in the morning, afternoon evening and again at night. Is he in a crate from 10 am to 4p? If so, you may need to find someone to walk him or even better you can try doggy daycare. Do you think your dog is doing it to get at you or is it that he can't hold it? My lab who is now 11 months old gets up everyday at 6am as he needs to relieve (#1 and 2) himself. We also feed him at that time and then we sleep till about 7am. He gets a quick walk or fetch game for about 20 minutes before we go to work. He is then in his crate till about noon as I come home to let him out and play fetch for another 15-20 minutes. He usually goes number 2 at that time. Then he is in his crate till about 430 when I come home and walk/play with him for about an hour. He eats at around 6ish and then we sometimes take him out at around 830pm to play with all the neighbours dogs till about 10. This dog takes up my life, but I knew he would for the first couple of years. :) hope this helps!
    fredg's Avatar
    fredg Posts: 4,926, Reputation: 674
    Ultra Member

    Apr 2, 2006, 06:46 AM
    I agree with the answer before this one.
    He needs to be let outside more often. Here is a link with some good information:
    Look under "Steps in Housebreaking Puppies"

    I do wish you the best, and good luck.

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