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    jpelin Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 30, 2012, 09:39 PM
    Dog pooping in new home?
    Hi, I have a 5 y.o. 50 lb. female, friendly dog and a 17 lb. 2 y.o. Male cat (fun aggressive playful) and we live in a 2 bedroom apartment. I have a new roommate w/ a 9 lb male Maltese, 1 1/2 y.o. Who was and has been house trained. They moved in on January 7th and since then there have been 4 "sneaky" accidents, all in different places in the house. So, as far as the little gifts, what can we do? Sue walks him often when she's home. He uses a pee-pee pad system in his room (previously trained) and uses it when she is at work. Jack enjoys being here and loves playing aggressively w/ Jasper, the cat. He is reluctant to play w/ Maddie, the dog, but he likes her and does not show any signs of being afraid of her. He is a barky, reactive dog and for this reason, my roommate uses a bark collar when she is at work or gone for a few hours. He's loveable, friendly, energetic, likes my animals and a good little guy to be around! How do we get him to stop sneaking off and messing in the house?

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