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I'm trying to cope with my easy wife. She cheated and we eventually split and she became a total slut on drugs and I took the kids, after a while she looked bad and I felt sorry for her and recovered her. I got back with her to save her life, now she is doing OK she thinks she can treat me as I'm...
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My philippino wife left me because she was listening to a bad friend of hers who encouraged her to do that to me. She was seeing other men and one was the father of her daughter even though we all see he's not the real father she has no ideal who is, her and that girl are not friends any more but...
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My.wife is a philippine citizen we got married in 2010 than in 2011 I went.back to see her and discovered she was sleeping around with lots of guys, and decided she did not want to come to america, do you think she's going to try to come back to me? Or is she's going to try and stay with that loser...
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What is there that I can do or say to find out if my wife is cheating on me? She hides her phone and erases her text messages View more questions Search