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My dog doesn't move out of the street
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When I take my dog for a walk she doesn't go very far, only 4 or 5 houses away from our own house. She's 4 years old, a mixed breed staff / mastiff, and she's a very nervous dog. She doesn't like strangers so I take her out in the night time. And when we're on the walk she pulls a lot and won't go...
My husband doesn't want us to move from his mothers house
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My husband is being very ridiculous about finding apartments. He wants to stay at his mothers until he's saved at least 5K to move out. So far he's blowing his money on silly things off eBay, buying beer and buying useless auto parts. He asked me to marry him while we were still in college and it...
I want to move out of my parents house but my husband doesn't
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Yes as you read... I want to move out of my parents house.. I never liked living with my parents.. they were good parents but for some reason I never liked living with them.. any way I got married and I have three kids 5,4, and a 2year old. About 2 yrs ago we moved in with my mother to help with...
Hvac when fan doesn't move
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My problem is last night the unit outside got really loud and the fan wasn't moving the temp was in the teens and there was no ice around the unit, I turned our heat on emergency heat because I thought something was wrong and for a while the unit out side would still kick on and off but eventually...
My 18 year old son doesn't want to move.
[ 10 Answers ]
My son turned 18 in January and has never been employed. He has been arrested several times and smokes marijuana every day with his friends and they all come to my house to hang out while I'm at work. My son appears on my lease. My question is, how do I get him to move out be it eviction or what? View more questions Search