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    PinkBubbles's Avatar
    PinkBubbles Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 20, 2007, 09:18 PM
    When I shave the results don't last very long :( I am desperate
    When I shave the results dont last very long and when the hair starts growing back it is iritating... i am acually desperate to know if there is a way for the results to last a longer time.
    Is there a way to get rid of the hair and make it so that it will not come back? [not lasering or anything lik that tho]
    and i can't use wax or veet stuff my skin doesnt like it lol :p
    anyone know any like homemade hair killer haha
    missk's Avatar
    missk Posts: 517, Reputation: 44
    Senior Member

    Apr 20, 2007, 09:25 PM
    I don't think there is anything over the counter that is going to get rid of hair forever. I use conditioner when I shave and it is best to shave at night instead of morning-has something to do with the hair follicles. My legs are smoother and last longer if I shave at night.
    tonesbones's Avatar
    tonesbones Posts: 12, Reputation: -1
    New Member

    Apr 20, 2007, 09:28 PM
    You are a human (assumed),
    Humans have hair follicles. These follicles grow at their own pace, uncontrolled by you, me, or razor. You'll learn to cope. Cope, or go hairy... your choice.

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