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I want to live with my mom!
[ 3 Answers ]
Hey!. I've been living with my dad for about 4 years on and off.. All my life I have been back and forth between my mom and dad.. And now I am 16 and I want to live with my mom.. Last summer I ran away to be with my mom and I have been taking from my mom before by social services.. But I realize...
I want to live with my mom
[ 5 Answers ]
I need advice on what to do I am going to be 15 this year. I have lived with my mom every other week and my dad every other week for 9 years. I don't want to do this anymore but my dad won't listen to me or my mom, he doen't care and makes me go anyway. What do I do to not have to go anymore.
I want to live with my mom but my dad has custody over me
[ 7 Answers ]
Hi I have a question regarding my situation. Ok well my parents were never married but they did separate when I was eight and me and my siblings got stuck living with my dad. So anyway me and my siblings want to live with our mom so we told her and she started going to court to try to win us...
I'm 16 and I want to live with my mom. What do I do?
[ 11 Answers ]
Here's the story: My mom had planned to move to Texas, and eventually we went to court. I had had a chance to talk with the mediator and everything, but then, my dad hired a lawyer. Unfortunately for myself, my mom can't afford a lawyer, so we had no choice but to drop the case. Another unusual...
Help me I want to live with mom!
[ 3 Answers ]
I need help desperately! I am thirteen years of age and I would like to live with my mom!! I have been living with my dad since I was seven and I hate living here!! Please help I have court in a week to decide!! And I don't know if they will listen to me!! View more questions Search