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Contested divorce
[ 2 Answers ]
My husband is going through withdrawals from drug addiction and has decided in a frenzy of emotion to divorce me. We've only been married 4months and share a house we rent. I'm currently not working and have no money or a vehicle. I moved to his town and know no one. He is telling me I must move...
Contested divorce and trying to do it on my own.
[ 2 Answers ]
My ex husband is a commercial fisherman. I am a single working mother. (my son is from first marriage) We were only married for 4 months before he decided he wanted a divorce. We have not properties, no children, and no monies together. He is asking for a china hutch he gave me, for me to...
Contested divorce
[ 3 Answers ]
Our daugther has filed for divorce. Her soon to be X, I hope, is contesting wanting equity. We gave her the land, made down payment and other expenses of setting up double wide. He signed papers all he intitled to was one half of principal paid on home. He has not lived there for 2 yrs and did...
I got a contested divorce
[ 1 Answers ]
I am living in CA. After I got married, I have been in constant verbal and physical violence from my wife. After my wife beat me several times in one week in August 2007, I filed a refraining order and moved out. Since then we separated. Last month I filed the divorce petition, recently I received...
I want to fill for a non contested divorce on my own what should I do
[ 2 Answers ]
My wife and I have been married for 7 years now. Wev'e only lived together for the 1st month and have never live together since. We have no kids no property or any dept together, nothing. We speak sometimes to one another and we both bring up the subject of divorce and we agree to meet complete... View more questions Search