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HI I am Parama Dasgupta. I came to the US on the 28th of may with my husband on an L2 Visa. But after a month of getting married I realised he is a chronic patiant of psychosis. I want to end this relationship now and go back to India next month. I am sure he will take steps to block my re-entry...
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Hello, Me and my husband are about to file our form I-751 request to remove restrictions on permanent residency. Here is what we have... Form I-751 Filing fee Address changes Copies of both Driver licenses, social security cards, and husbands I-551 (card) 2 Benefficary documents Joint...
Ask free immigration question?
[ 4 Answers ]
Been in this country since 1996 came here on a vistor's visa (stolen). Got married and applied for residency which was denied and labeled a sham, currently on deportation list. Married for 9 yrs to a U.S. citizen and have 2 children both whom are U.S. citizens. What are my chances of getting...
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This question is for I-140? This question is Littlebit weired. We have just filled I-140 of my wife.I am on my h-1b status which has massed, according to my lawyer advice I have not filled my case on her dependent because lawyer said "your case is ruined" so, " they will do more observation"... View more questions Search