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Night school for high school-aged people
[ 15 Answers ]
I heard about there being night school for high school kids. In fact, I think a friend of a friend went to night school when I was in jr. high. I've searched Google, and can't find any listings or info for night schools in PA. Does anyone know if they exist for high schoolers, and where I could...
I need to know the nam of this song emerg its off high school high
[ 3 Answers ]
Ok this song isn't on the soundtrack I went through all of them. The song starts when there about to do the chicky run. If you know it please tell me
Is it OK to join another high school in a different country when still in High School
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Hey I am a Ugadan who I badly wants to leave the school am in and go to another country and get on with my studies. My parents are willing to pay any amount of money to make sure I go.Is it possible to join another High School outside my country even though I am not done with High school. If...
Can you graduate High School with out paying ALL of your school fees?
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I'm almost 17, and have a weighed GPA of 3.4. I live in Wisconsin. The reason I'm asking is because my family is poor, and we probably won't be able to afford too pay all of the school fees. So my question is, can you still graduate if you didn't pay everything, or will they keep you? I'm ahead...
Is is a poll for any middle school or high school kids about drugs?
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What kind of drugs are being sold at your schools? How easy is it to get? Where are you from? This is a seriouse question I'm curiouse to no if it matters where you are from or if all schools are alike... View more questions Search