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    elina's Avatar
    elina Posts: 136, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Sep 7, 2003, 04:20 PM
    Is Excelsior College a real college?
    Hi, if someone can please help me and let me know if Excelsior College's distance learning program is legally accredited, I would appreciate it very much. I would like to get a BS degree in Computer Information System through distance learning. I found that Excelsior College is perfect for this, considering that Excelsior College will accept as credit equivalent for its CIS BS degree program any classes anyone has taken within the last 10 years to complete its BS degree.

    Now, I really like its concept, which sounds too good, because I already have a BS degree in Nutritional Science at a traditional university. Most of the classes that I took in MIS (as is called at the university I attended, instead of CIS), but didn't finished and in Nutrition satisfied most of its requirement. Excelsior gave me credit unit equivalent for some of those classes I took. It says I have 33 more credit units out of its 87 credit units to fulfill its CIS BS degree requirement.

    But is Excelsior for real? I have never heard of any online distance learning places that will do what Excelsior will do--that is, to accept college credit equivalent for any classes that a person has already taken and apply those credits toward the BS or MS degree program in question.
    Thank You again ::)
    decimon's Avatar
    decimon Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 6, 2004, 03:36 PM
    Is Excelsior College a real college?
    If you're still there then yes, Excelsior College is both licit and accredited.

    Search on <excelsior> at and all questions will be answered.
    cisum2054's Avatar
    cisum2054 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Mar 10, 2010, 03:37 PM
    Yes, it's 4 real. I obtained my BS from there in 2007. They accepted my credits from my state university.

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