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My arms
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Have got bigger. I have anorexia/binge purge. I am worried how the hell do I make them slim again! Perhaps its all the binging!
What causes warts under ones arms
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These are thick under my sons arms. Can't figure out how to treat them
My Arms and Under Arms
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Hi, I'm really hoping somebody can help me out with this, because I really would like to know what's going on here. First, I have really weird pimples on my arms and forearms. They aren't exactly the kind of pimples that you would get on your face like acne, but they're really tiny, sometimes get...
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I have been going out with this guy for the past 3 yrs now ,we were getting long well with each other , use to feel as if we are the perfect couple . He's parents does not like me and my family due to religon,status . But I should mention that he even came to my parent and spokrd to them but the...
Red arms
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Hello I have on my arms like red little dots everywhere and my arms look red. When I'm cold it gets redder and the little dots show more I have no idea what this is but it looks weird its only at the op of my arms on both arms I doesn't hurt and it isn't sore or bumpy. Just looks like a rash on... View more questions Search