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Can my social security disability payments from Social Security can be garnished
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I am on Social Security Disability. I was just served a small claims request and I wonder if they can garnish my social security benefits?
Social Security disability,unemployment and social security
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I got approved for ssdi but got disapproved for ssi because my unemployment can I later get ssi after my unemployment is finished?:(
Should I sue the bank and lawyer that levied my social securty
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My social security was deposited on the 3rd like every third of the month. When I started paying bills it was NSF so I called the bank and they said oh we are going to mail you something out soon telling you your monies have been levied. I told them it was against the law to garnish or levy social...
Lawyer fees for social security claim
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In a letter I have from my sons lawyer it states that he is entitled to the lesser of 25 percent of past due benefits or the dollar amount established pursuant to section 206of the social security act which is 5,300 as a fee. I thought the lawyer said a small fee if he wins,do you think this is... View more questions Search