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    notcoolenough's Avatar
    notcoolenough Posts: 95, Reputation: 7
    Junior Member

    Jan 20, 2016, 05:53 PM
    Should I Get A Social Security Lawyer
    First and foremost, I have incredible anxiety problems. It is one of many impairments that impede on my abilities to work. I am struggling enough trying to get through college in hopes that one day I CAN work and doing something that is suitable to my needs and abilities.

    My roommate and her family are urging me to get a lawyer because they see the amount of letters and STRESS Social Security has been giving me in the last year. There was a period of 6 to 7 months where I got 1 to 2 letters, monthly, telling me there is a problem and I need to call. And every time I would call I would be told there is no problem "on our end" and to call the local branch (or vise versa). And then of course there is the occasional oversight of life changes (moving, quitting a job) that happens even though I am always keeping them up to date. When the smallest thing of importance happens, I am in the office with material and documents that I took the time to copy for them. And yet, it is as though they just throw it away without looking at it or sending it in.

    But this letter I just received has pushed me to the edge. It is the single most ridiculous letter I have ever gotten from them. It is an important letter about keeping my SSI. Here are some highlights:

    You have an appointment
    Then it quickly explains that I am up for review and they need information to make sure I am still eligible. It then gives the date and time (Right smack in the middle of my second day of school. I do NOT take absences lightly as teachers do not either. This is a gigantic inconvenience already.
    If you can't keep your appointment, please call us. We will make another appointment for you.

    It then goes on to explain what I need for the appointment and the importance.
    ...please try to have all of the items shown below from August 1, 2013
    They get a little more specific; explaining they need to see original documents or certified copies of "these" items. And then in place of a list of items (there is no list throughout the entirety of the letter):
    If you are unable to make your appointment, do not call. i am unable to reschedule you. You will need to come into the office within 30 days.
    And this is highlighted. It explains what will happen if they don't hear from me.

    How do other people live like this? Not to mention I don't own a car. I try to tell my roommate that I doubt a lawyer can help with any of this stuff, but I am seriously struggling to keep sane.

    Is this something a lawyer can help me with? This all feels like harassment.

    Thank you for reading. Any input is greatly appreciated.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 20, 2016, 05:59 PM
    Of course a lawyer can help, many get one for that very reason to get through the long, trying SSD process. They may even wait until you get accepted and paid to get their cut.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 20, 2016, 07:09 PM
    Of course, you will need medical evidence, of your problem, what type of doctor treatment are you under? What medical evidence do you have.

    Since mental health issues are often one of the larger areas of fraud, they will want to review all the evidence closely.

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