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Migraines at 20 weeks
[ 2 Answers ]
I am 20 weeks pregnant. This is my second pregnancy and I have severe migraines everyday that come and go and get worse each time, I try to eat but get sick very easily or queasy, And when I first found out I was pregnant again I weighed 170 pounds now I weigh only 145 and still dropping. I am...
[ 6 Answers ]
Hi this is meena I'm in very worse state of my migraine and I could find out that it's a migraine headache, my major symptoms are severe headache, headache in back of the head (bottom left side), headache due to light, sound and odour and in recent times I also have severe back pain and shoulder...
My boyfriend keeps getting migraines...
[ 5 Answers ]
He's been having them since he was 12. He's now 25 and still gets them at a frequency of lets say once per month. Right now he's in the other room, in pain for 4 hours now, and he took a pill (imigran) about half an hour ago. He's in so much pain, and I can't do anything :( I feel so useless. I...
How can I treat migraines?
[ 12 Answers ]
I suffer from migraines approx. every 4-6 weeks. I can not take any kind of medication as it always causes vomiting. Can anyone suggest any alternate treatments? View more questions Search