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    dontknownuthin's Avatar
    dontknownuthin Posts: 2,910, Reputation: 751
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    Dec 5, 2013, 03:48 PM
    Insight about traumatic brain stem injury
    I have met a wonderful man who is insightful, highly intelligent, quick-witted, moral, gentlemanly - you name the positive attribute, he has it. We are just beginning to date and are both about 50 .

    My question pertains to his serious medical history. Nearly 30 years ago, he suffered a traumatic brain stem injury. After the injury, though he was still recovering, he returned to college and earned a very difficult degree at a top university, then also earned an advanced degree. He worked for a number of years in his challenging profession before he took an early retirement because he was struggling with the pace expected in his work. His only lingering impacts that are apparent are that he walks and talks slowly, sometimes muddles his words, and does not have great balance.

    What I would like to understand better are the potential impacts such an injury history might have on a relationship beyond the obvious physical limitations - social, psychological, emotional. Also, are survivors of these injuries more prone to other medical issues as they age?

    I neither want to make a determination about a potential relationship based on such an injury, nor be naïve and pretend it's not a factor in how that relationship might develop and work over time. I'd appreciate insight from medical people, survivors, friends, relatives or other support people with experience with such injuries. I am too new to knowing this gentleman to delve further into the matter yet than I already have.

    Thank you!

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