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Can I report this person for fraud?
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We know a woman who for several years has moved around from boyfriend to boyfriend, as she gets bored of them easily or rather their uses run out. She has no physical job, or car, or any responsibilities so she has tons of time on her hands which she mostly spends online playing a game (or looking...
Whow can I report a person who charge a person to make him a ligal person in the usa
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A woman that married an illigal immigrant to get him his resident card by charging him money they bught a house under bouth names to present to immigration that they are living together but the truth is they live separe he lives with the mother of his children and she lives with her grilfrien she...
SSI fraud
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Is it possible for someone who has been in this country for 3 years to collect SSI disability because of diabetes? This person does not take insulin, just tablets. Thank you
SSI fraud?
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My neighbors wife/mother has been in the hospital since January. They have been collecting her SSI as well as the fathers (he lives in the house). He is too old and sick to do anything about anything. The son and his girlfriend and her three babies live there as well. The girlfriend spends all the...
Ssi fraud
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My question is, my wife is the durable power of attorney for her mom. She is in a nursing is it legal for my wife to use her moms ssi money for her own personal gain, can she write checks to her self and then sigb her moms name View more questions Search