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    southerngalps's Avatar
    southerngalps Posts: 1,334, Reputation: 112
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    Oct 14, 2014, 11:42 AM
    Down's syndrome
    So I have a 3-mo old baby girl. She's the sweetest, prettiest little thing. Her eyes are almond-shaped to the max. Is there any way possible to have only one physical marker in downs? She doesn't have a simian crease, small ears, shorter pinkie, the sandal toe, shorter limbs etc.
    She also doesn't have hypotonia and a bad heart. Please I don't mean to offend anyone but her pedi thinks I am crazy. I just don't understand where these almond eyes have come from. They are very defined and I can't stop looking at her and wondering. Her pedi gave me a referral for blood work to ease my mind and I will be going in soon but was just wondering anyone's thoughts that there literally can only be one marker?
    I will add that her tests in utero were not high risk and she passed all her hospital tests at birth. And no other doctor has mentioned anything.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 14, 2014, 11:51 AM
    My first son had almond-shaped eyes (and cheeks like a little chipmunk), but his eye shape changed as he got older. You or her father may have almond-eye genes, or her eyes might change like my son's did. She sounds like a very pretty baby.
    southerngalps's Avatar
    southerngalps Posts: 1,334, Reputation: 112
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    Oct 14, 2014, 12:09 PM
    She is my third and will be the first to have them. I understand what you are saying though. When she smiles you can't see her eyes at all and her cheeks are very chubby. They are the only part of her body that's chubby. This little one and my toddler take after their daddy. Long and lean. I had asked the same question on what to expect forum and the mommas said they could see my concern but they felt she looked like a healthy baby. Another mother shared her pic of her daughter who had similar eyes. I've been a member on ask me from a long time ago and haven't posted in forever! I thought I might share my concern here. I would post a pic but I am on my cell phone and clicked on the full site version. She's a pretty little thing. I just can't find anywhere on the net that it's possible to have only one physical trait.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 14, 2014, 12:22 PM
    I think you'd see other traits, too. Is she meeting her developmental goals? Has she been kicking and socially interacting with face and babbling, plus trying to roll over and not just lie there? How's her appetite and feeding ability? (I remember you!)
    southerngalps's Avatar
    southerngalps Posts: 1,334, Reputation: 112
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    Oct 14, 2014, 12:57 PM
    Oh my. My response didn't post!
    She follows me through a room with her eyes. Maintains eye contact and smiles, coos and giggles. She kicks, punches, pats or grabs at her toys above her head. Rolls over from tummy to back. She has no problem with tummy time. She came out holding her head up staring at me. She was my first natural...
    Funny story. All my deliveries were fairly easy. 12 hrs with my first and 6 with my second. I was going my numerology and calling this one to be at 3 hrs. I woke up to nothing followed by hard labor contractions. I knew something wasn't right but felt like I was at like a 5 or 6 cm because this was the pain I felt at that far along on pitocin. I'm rushing daddy. He still thinks we have the one hour rule. We got to the hospital. Nurse says take off your pants and climb into bed and just keep your shirt on. She must've known.
    Cervical check proves I'm at 9.5! Obviously 10 came real quick but I had to wait for the doc on duty. She would've been born 10 min earlier. Arriving in bed at 10:30a and she was born at 11:02a. We had just passed a photo-enforced light at 61 in a 45. The time of violation was at 10:24a and they let is appeal it lol
    Daddy calls her chicky chicky bang bang because of her entry style
    And I remember your screen name too! ;)
    Man I hope this gets posted. Phew.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 14, 2014, 01:23 PM
    She sounds perfectly normal. What's her first name? (I collect baby names. The latest ones in my file are Kylie, Genevieve, Benjamin, Kalan, and Henry.)
    southerngalps's Avatar
    southerngalps Posts: 1,334, Reputation: 112
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    Oct 14, 2014, 01:42 PM
    McKinlee RaeOh and she eats with no problem. I've seen videos where parents have to do tongue exercises with their downs infant. She does have a lip tie that made her latch a little off with breastfeeding but overall she was getting enough and I could bare it. She's formula fed now because of my lasik eye surgery.

    Christopher Julian
    Mariah piper-Mae (piper after my name)
    And this LO is McKinlee Rae
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 14, 2014, 02:03 PM
    Very nice, even creative name combinations! How old are the other two?

    I've been reading up on Down's. My best guess is that your baby doesn't have it.

    A favorite coworker was 40 and pregnant with her third. Amnio results were positive for Down's. Rosie turned out to be the light of that family's life, a real loving little sweetie. I've lost track of them, but am guessing Rosie is still doing her charm thing.
    southerngalps's Avatar
    southerngalps Posts: 1,334, Reputation: 112
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    Oct 14, 2014, 03:00 PM
    I've heard wonderful things about children with downs. All children are blessings! It's just one of those things that maybe if I would've had a high risk marker that it would have been nice to have researched it before hand and been prepared. I actually found the link from wte. There's a few comments with pics throughout the thread.
    My son has speech issues and I was worried about another baby of mine having hard times. That's pretty much it. Thank you for the chat!

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    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Oct 14, 2014, 04:16 PM
    You could all have your DNA lineage tested. The Americas were first peopled by Asians coming across the Bering Straits when they were dry, and slowly working their way south (although there is also evidence of earlier ones coming in much smaller batches by boat to South America). And since so many of us have some native in us, we could all have Asian eyes, even though most of our ancestors are European.

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