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Do I have to prove my disability to my employer
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I have a note from my doctor stating I need to work from home 5 days a week. I was hired under the American's with Disabilities Act and receive a Disability check from the VA every month. Now my manager is asking for more medical documentation at "back up" the note from the doctor and is requesting...
Is it illegal for my employer to tell someone that I receive a disability check
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Is it illegal for my employer to disclose to a customer that I receive social security benefits for a disability?
Can my old employer can tell my new emplyer find out that I was on disability and leo
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I was let go on good behaviour from my teaching job because I was out too long, Can my old employer tell my disability to my new employer
Can potential employer find out about past job and disability?
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I worked for a company from 9/07-11/07 then went on disability. I am still employed there, however, do not plan on going back due to my disability (since 12/07)and since have moved away. I am still disabled, but need to find another job ASAP as my disability ran out. My question is: I want...
Can potential employer find out about disability and current/past job?
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I worked for a company from 9/07-12/07 then went on disability. I am still employed there, however, do not plan on going back due to my disability and since have moved away. I am still disabled, but need to find another job ASAP as my disability ran out. My question is: I want to apply for a... View more questions Search