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Deaf Ferret?
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I recently discovered my little ferret is deaf, we have a ferret who can hear as well. Anyway when my deaf ferret is playing with my other ferret he hurts her. I've read on websites that it is because he can't hear her screaming. Is there anything I can do? Do they need to be separated or can she...
Why am I deaf?
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I'm 15 and I was born without hearing in my left ear. I occasionally hear buzzing noises and my doctor doesn't know why. What are some possible reasons for my hearing loss?
Deaf Puppy
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I just adopted a very precious border collie, only to find out days later she is deaf. I've had a blind dog for ten years... but have no experience in deaf dogs. I have only found one book that was specifically for training deaf dogs. It was pretty general. Does anyone have any other...
Going deaf
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My hearing loss is due to the nerve dying. My mother had the same problem. Any suggestions on how to stop/reverse the process. Thanks, Hatman View more questions Search