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Can my estranged husband get part of an inheritance I am about to receive?
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We have been separated almost a year and a half, no papers filed,my parents both died and I am going to get an inheritance. Can he touch it?
My husband works overseas he did receive a W-2
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My husband works overseas he did receive a W-2, but he is exempt from 91400.00 of his income what line do I put the 91400.00 on, and what line do I put the difference of what was on his W-2 minus the 91400.00. I know that I still need to fill out the 2555 form as well. I am using Turbo Tax.
My husband is 46 and working if he were to passaway do I receive a pention
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If I receive a settlement is my husband entitle to a percentage?
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I received a wrongful death settlement for the death of my mother. And I wanted to know if my husband entitle to a percentage if we were to divorce. View more questions Search