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Diabetes and ssi
[ 10 Answers ]
My son is 3 years old.We applied for ss and was turned down because he wasn't in the hospital since he was diagnosed. He gets up to 8 shots a day and can't play as a normal child because he also has hypoglycemia and must be checked often.He meets list for ssi with the low blood sugar and the...
He Has Diabetes.
[ 1 Answers ]
I've known very few people with diabetes so I did not know much about it. My boyfriend has diabetes and I still have confusion on this disorder. I worry about him a lot since he does wrestling and he often has to cut weight. He tries not to eat so much because of it which I understand can be...
[ 2 Answers ]
My father has diabetes and wants some home made fudge... I make the fantasy fudge by kraft and have all the ingredients I have exchanged the sugar for splenda, I found some sugar free marshmallow dip (hope it works:o ) the only thing that Im not sure is instead of the semi sweet chocolate chips I... View more questions Search