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    musacm's Avatar
    musacm Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 10, 2004, 01:27 AM
    Blank screen at start up
    Hi, I recently swopped hardware of a P133 PC with that of a P200 PC.
    What I really changed was the processor of the p200 and move a hard/dr from a P100. After connected properly, the screen just became blank.

    I have checked the memory modules, the h/d and all. Could the processors be dead? But now both PCs give me a blank screen, though the monitor is working because it is working on my other computer.

    Please help
    MagikPoo's Avatar
    MagikPoo Posts: 59, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2004, 09:26 PM
    Re: Blank screen at start up
    Hay Musacm, and hello to all, I'v been to far places like in AMHD, but now I'm back, OK to answer your question:

    Do you hear even a slight turn from your HD -hard drives- ? When you switch HD your PC needs to configure to all the new hardwear, it just might be too much

    So let me get this stright, you switched proccessors
    P133 for the P200 Motherboard and visaversa with the P200 into the P133 Motherboard, which from now will be referred to as "MB", "system board" or "mighty moth hunter of mither" I preffer **MB** anyway, one thing that you have to know is that simply swithing HD won't lead to blank screens you should still see, the POST -Power on self test- where you might see the BIO -basic input/ output- of a video card and your system bios - which we will now refer to as "botty".
    If you don't see botty at the start up and you don't hear your HD grinding away nicely then the only concushion I can come to is the frying of the prossessors.

    Don't dispare fryed prossessors make lovely paperweights. :P

    MagikPoo needs More input!!!
    You have to give me all the info of both PC's
    1. OS operating system on each HD
    2. type of prossessors - I know Duh! You never know
    3. video config e.g.. Onboard or in slot
    4. type of slots they are in
    5. type of monitor
    6. shoe size "thats for the ladies, he he he..."
    7. any more helpful titbits that might help me to stop typeing.

    MagikPoo OUT YO!!
    musacm's Avatar
    musacm Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 13, 2004, 05:34 AM
    Re: Blank screen at start up
    Hey MagiPoo, I hear turns in Hard drive, one h/d: win 95 and the other win 98. Processors, both Intel (MMX for 133) and nothing specified for the other except Intel.

    Both Video cards are inslot PCI. ;D

    Old Monitor (Tatung); don't remember the model, but worked fine before the swop and is still working on my P1-200 and on my P4.
    The motherBoard of the other has plenty Intel Chips and the other has Generic chips.

    I just spoke to someone who suspected the both motherboards and/or the chips might be dead. But I still want to try.?
    MagikPoo's Avatar
    MagikPoo Posts: 59, Reputation: 2
    Junior Member

    Jul 24, 2004, 12:44 PM
    Re: Blank screen at start up
    Hay musacm,
    Sorry it took for ever to anwer you, but its always bizzzy in NJ
    It seems like everyone wants everything right now?
    What's up with that?

    Anyway - back to your problem,
    Try anyway, if you can salvage some parts go a head but make sure that those motherboards are rated for that prossor, Oh the only prossessor that I'm talking about is the big one with the fan on it, you do have the fans running while your swaoppin things around right?

    I still think you have the intel PII Paperweights, sorry
    Oh can you be more specific e.g..
    Board 1 has ----blah blah blah on it
    Board 2 has ----blah blah poo yahoo00.. on it
    Etc etc etc..
    I'll try to be mor promped next time.
    musacm's Avatar
    musacm Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jul 26, 2004, 03:39 AM
    Re: Blank screen at start up
    Hi, MagikPoo. Thanks for trying to help, dude. The real problem has been found. It was the CD-ROM. It is not working at all and thus is destroying my system. I found the real problem on Fri (23th) though I didn't check what is going on with the other Computer.

    Now I'm sure the processors are working because I checked both though not on both motherboards.

    A CD-ROM causing a problem for the whole PC; is new to me.
    :) ;) :D

    Removing all components and adding them to the m/b one-by-one helped.

    Cheers, everyone.

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