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    jammy23's Avatar
    jammy23 Posts: 545, Reputation: 0
    Senior Member

    Dec 4, 2008, 08:45 AM
    Funeral Assignment
    I just couldn't find exact category for my question. I'm beneficiary for someone in a
    Nursing home. She is dying. I have been asked by hospice to make some arrangements.
    The Insurance company has a very small policy for her but it will take a few weeks to
    Send me the check, they said. They suggested when she dies that I do an assignment
    With a funeral home and they will take care of the expenses. I'm not sure this is the
    Way to go. Any advice would be welcome. Maybe I will also put this question in the
    Legal category.
    Maggie 3's Avatar
    Maggie 3 Posts: 262, Reputation: 41
    Full Member

    Dec 5, 2008, 09:51 PM
    I don't know what you mean when you said they will take care of expenses. But what you should do ,if you have permission from family, is to cremate.
    Since you seem to have the resposibility I would say that it is your call. Cremation is the most econonical. Look for an independent crematorium. That is a place not connected to a funeral home. You get the ashes then at your time you can have services anywhere you want and at what time you want, 6 monthe later or later or earlier. If the only crematorium belongs to funeral home just have the body cremated without any additional services from the funeral home. So get out the yellow pages and start looking and calling. Remember you don't have to have a funeral service if you don.t want it.
    If you want to have one call a funeral home and talk to them about arrangements.

    Maggie 3
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Dec 5, 2008, 10:21 PM

    If you don't want to write them a check and wait on the insurance money this is often done.

    The issue is you have to pick out and arrange the funeral and the cost. Then you get the difference of the check and the cost.

    How small is the check, a funeral without the plot averages about 7 thousand

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