New Member
Feb 7, 2009, 01:19 AM
Need opinions on this guy
So this guy friends me on Facebook randomly. We have two mutual friends so I accept. We message back and forth a bit and then he says we should meet for coffee. We continue to chat online and eventually I bring up the coffee thing and we meet. He seems nice, a bit nervous. He asks for my number so I give it to him. Later that day, I send him a message online asking for his number because I forgot to ask earlier. He gives it to me and tells me it was great meeting me and that I'm even prettier in person. After that, we continue to chat online almost everyday. He mostly starts the conversations.
Then one day I get the nerve to ask him to lunch. He says he can't because he has an exam to work on, but maybe the next day. So the next day, around noonish he starts talking to me online and tells me he finished his exam, but he doesn't mention lunch. I make plans with someone else for lunch. Later, I ask him about it and he calls me to try to make plans, but it has been almost an hour since he had started talking to me online. So I tell him that I have made other plans. He jokes about him taking too long and that maybe we could do it another time. He also tells me the reason he waited long was because he wasn't really hungry. I tell him he should've just said that. So I tell him maybe we could have dinner. He tells me to call him after I get off work to see what's going on. I call and he doesn't answer. He sends a text 20 minutes later saying he's hanging with friends. I thought for sure he was no longer interested at this point.
Two days later, he starts talking to me online again. The next day, he asks me to lunch late in the day, but I've already eaten. Later I text and tell him we could do lunch tomorrow. He says sure and to let him know what time. I say noon and then get no response. The next day I text around 10am and ask if we're still doing lunch. He responds half hour later and says he just woke up and won't be hungry for lunch, plus he has a project to work on. Later we talk online and he apologizes for being so flaky and explains that it's the end of classes (the winter intersession) and that when the new semester begins, in two days, things will get better because he'll have less to do.
A few days later, once his new classes begin, I text to see if he wants to do lunch. He responds online an hour later and apologizes for missing my text earlier. We joke around a bit. Then I said, "well, im about to give up on you :-p" and he says, "hmmm. u sure" and I say, "I'll leave that up to you" and he says, "I'll try my best." Then I said, "unless you want me to give up on you." After that he signs off so I send him a text saying, "then I'll take that as a yes?" No response.
Now, I know I probably shouldn't have said all that, but I was starting to get frustrated. He starts talking to me all the time, but then he never comes through. He also responds by saying he'll try his best, which I'm not sure what that means, so I'm totally confused by him. What should I do? Is he even interested anymore? Is he just being polite and friendly?
Ultra Member
Feb 7, 2009, 01:55 AM
He does seem very flaky, gosh I would be annoyed if I were in your shoes!
He might be interested, only he really knows the answer to that... so I can't really be of much help I'm afraid.
I would just put him on the back burner if I were you. Lol mostly because if I were in your shoes, I'd see it as a wast of time and I really can't stand it when people are flaking out on me (a couple of times is excusable, but seriously!)
But I wouldn't write him of completely, but seeing as you don't really know him, it really shouldn't matter... (to or from)
Junior Member
Feb 7, 2009, 05:17 AM
A guy who's 100% interested wouldn't miss a chance to spend time with you. You two whether are playing too many games or he doesn't know exactly what he wants. Aactions speak louder than words, so take them into consideration.
New Member
Feb 7, 2009, 09:28 AM
Well, I ended up listening to my sister and sent him a message asking him to lunch one last time. He said he'd love to and he again apologized for his flakiness. He said he's just been busy because of school. Also, he explained that he doesn't have a car right now so he's been hesitant about asking me on a date or making big plans.
Ultra Member
Feb 7, 2009, 09:29 AM
Stop texting and ringing him, he's just not that into you.
Accept it and move on.
Ultra Member
Feb 7, 2009, 09:47 AM
Not worthy of your time or concern.
Dear,do yourself a big favor and never chase a man,no man is worth chasing and I mean none.
I think he is being polite.His words say one thing but you need to pay attention to his actions.
They say men are like buses ,you miss one ,one more is coming by in the next hour. Don't waste your time.
Ultra Member
Feb 7, 2009, 10:27 AM
 Originally Posted by artlady
They say men are like buses ,you miss one ,one more is coming by in the next hour. Don't waste your time.
artlady: had to spread the rep... but I LOVE THAT!
Junior Member
Feb 7, 2009, 02:10 PM
 Originally Posted by 12402
Well, I ended up listening to my sister and sent him a message asking him to lunch one last time. He said he'd love to and he again apologized for his flakiness. He said he's just been busy because of school. Also, he explained that he doesn't have a car right now so he's been hesitant about asking me on a date or making big plans.
In this case, at least do yourself a big favor and let him to all of the work. Keep in mind: when a guy is really into you, he'd do everything it takes to be around you. What does your guy do? Give you a list of excuses and apologies? C'mon!
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