New Member
Sep 6, 2006, 03:48 AM
Can women use pick up lines?
How can you tell if someone is interested in you? What kinds of comments can you make to a person that let them know you like to go out with them. Are there pick up lines women can use?
Uber Member
Sep 6, 2006, 07:09 AM
Do guys pickup lines ever really work? As in without them, you'd not be interested in the guy?
confidence is much more interesting than any prefab line. And any girl who has shown reasonable interest (as in not making a fool hanging off, etc) has usually piquéd my interest enough to take notice.
I've tended to date women who were fairly laid back and secure. If they wanted to grab a movie and I was too dense to figure it out, theyd say it. My wife, in fact, did this before we were dating. I couldn't go at the time, but her interest in me was noticed and it caused me to further pursue her.
So I'm all for the direct route. Relationships can be too hard for cat and mouse too much, unless you are only interest in the chase. You like the guy. You can show some interest without a line to feed. See if he wants to grab a bite to eat, something fun or someplace interesting... don't make it a "date". Don't make it a big deal. Nothing will scare most guys off like big pressure at the front end of a relationship.
The first "date" I had with my wife started in a park and without planning ended in a great blues bar. Fantastic night. Another time I asked a girl I liked if she wanted to go to the beach. Another girl was going to a game that I was going to. No lines were needed. But basic stuff you'd like to do and he might too.
New Member
Sep 6, 2006, 07:55 AM
What about body, what signs do men give? How do you know the boss likes you or if he justs wants you to work harder to make him look good? Not tha Id EVER get my butter same place I get my bread, just thinking here, how do you know the guy at the drug store likes you or he interested in amount of meds you take? Laughing at myself now cause I can't even write what I want to say. Hopefully your getting the meaning here, people have their jobs to do in life are they just being nice or are they interested? Is the attraction at hello you seem to have found that out to be true. There has to be a comment or an attaction that takes it from this is my job to Im interested in going out.
Uber Member
Sep 6, 2006, 09:35 AM
Well... if you are talking about a person you don't know well, that's a little tougher perhaps... at least it requires a leap of faith and a willingness to get turned down.
There was a girl that I saw on a weekly basis who worked in a parking lot booth as part of her college work study. Wed seen each other in a class before and I thought she might like me. She just always seemed to smile a little more that casual meetings required. It took a semester of passing by and saying hello/goodbye at that stupid booth before I asked her if she wanted to grab a bite to eat sometime. The happy ending was she said yes. The sad ending is after all the buildup, we were not terribly compatible as was apparent after a date.
But I "wasted" a semester wondering when knowing was better. So it didn't work. That's OK. The next girl I asked out said no, and then later changed her mind... there was a little conflict of interest that made her pause at first. But my showing interest gave her enough to think about. That one was a great relationship.
So if you're asking how you get a stranger to ask you out... I don't know. Depends on how you know them. Small talk can at least get the dialogue going. I dated three people I met directly through work, two of which were not coworkers. One was the girl who hesitated. I was always attracted to her, but what led me to ask her out was she seemed interested... shed stop by to talk to me, and just seemed friendly. The other person who wasn't a coworker really didn't show a lot of signs of interest beyond casual. We just started talking about things slowly at first and one day I thought why not... asked her if she wanted to grab some coffee and the rest figured itself out.
As I mentioned, my wife first got me motivated by trying to get me to go with a group of people to a movie... basically said "you should come along"... I didn't at that time, but I remembered it and acted on it later.
New Member
Sep 6, 2006, 12:21 PM
I guess I'm never going to get the nerve up to ask this guy out. Im too shy and really not going to have that crowd of friends around to ask if he like to join us. I could never be interested in someone at work, I work to hard to have that kind of distraction, Ive never been asked out a lot either, I always thought why not me, when friends meet guys.. but maybe I'm missing something. Before I could take this leap of faith he have to show up in a place where I always go or something have to tell me we have some of the same interest. What's the chance of that ever happening? I'd like to think its possible and guess I'll wait for that someday to come. Do you think Yahoo is good place to put a personal ad?
Uber Member
Sep 6, 2006, 02:04 PM
I have rarely looked back and been most disappointed at those times when I did something and it was a mistake. My biggest regrets are the things I didn't do.
Its OK to be shy. Its fine to not be comfortable with making the first move. But I think you should try. Even if it doesn't work out here, then you can put your energy and time into something or someone else. The most successful people are not those who get it right all the time. They are the ones who are not afraid to fail and learn from failure. I know... I know... it's a pep talk worthy of an ispirational poster. Its just true.
What do you have to lose if he says no? Are you a lesser person? no. will the world perceive you differently. no. you'll be human like the rest of us who are mortal, scared from time to time, and needlessly bothered by our silly little heads.
Ultra Member
Sep 7, 2006, 12:58 AM
Eye contact.. always keep eye contact.
New Member
Sep 7, 2006, 06:09 AM
Ok I tried to call him ask his advice on something, he seemed to answer about my ? But never really gave me a chance to put anything else in there. So he not interested or he would have gave me chance to call him back or even offered to call me back. Even asking if there were any more questions would have opened a huge door for me.
Uber Member
Sep 7, 2006, 07:24 AM
Well... again, when I'm working I'm not exactly in "dating" mode... so he might have simply been tied up in work. You just can't tell from this exchange.
He's certainly not interested enough right now to make his own opportunities.
New Member
Sep 7, 2006, 12:23 PM
 Originally Posted by kp2171
well... again, when im working im not exactly in "dating" mode... so he might have simply been tied up in work. you just can't tell from this exchange.
hes certainly not interested enough right now to make his own opportunities.
Yes I agree here So maybe Im just in heat when Im near him. If he only knew, If I only had the guts to tell him.
New Member
Jan 1, 2008, 07:13 PM
C'mon you can do it. :) Eva Longoria went in the locker room of the San Antonio Spurs and got Tony Parker. She saw what she wanted and had the spunk to get it done.. . I know, you're not Eva Longoria.. Anyway, men should be easy to tell if they are interested. We are gawkers by nature. It's the women that is so difficult because they can check you out without you knowing it. And tell you what you were wearing six months from now.. including your socks :) The way I work it, I look for body language, especially the eyes. If a woman is in proximity of you she will show you that she's interested if you know what to look for. But if you're out on a date with her and she doesn't touch you, no matter how subtle it may be during the date, you're like a fish dead in the water.. . My $00.02
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