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    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 15, 2018, 10:40 AM
    he's being offered 10 instead of 80. Given that option I would sing any song Mueller wants me to sing . There is nothing Manafort can add about the so called "collusion " investigation that Manafort can add that hasn't already been said to Mueller by Gates .AND since Gates has been singing ,the only thing Mueller did that was new was charge a bunch of Ruskie pajama boys ,and transfered those cases to other Justice Dept divisions.
    However, a source close to the defense told POLITICO, "the cooperation agreement does not involve the Trump campaign. ... There was no collusion with Russia.

    What this deal REALLY does is spare Mueller the wasted time of another trial against Manafort . That this brings this ridiculous investigation closer to an end is probably a good thing. . I expect his close out argument will go public in time for an October surprise .He will not have anything on Trump ;but will cloud his report with innuendo that will be seen as borderline obstruction to the Dems ;who hope a "blue wave " will gain them a majority in the House . Then they can waste our time and tax dollars with a kangaroo court impeachment .
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 15, 2018, 11:35 AM
    It doesn't work like that and you know full well that anything Manafort, Gates, or any other defendant says has to be verified. I guess given the events so far you cannot imagine any wrong doing by the Dufus or his sycophants. I also suspect there is MUCH more to learn and no matter who wins the election, actions will have to be taken.

    I don't think this investigation is ridicules, I think it's sad we have to have one and keep finding out stuff we didn't know, or some of you didn't know. The Dufus had a long history in business that was a warning that was ignored and still is by his ardent followers. I think Mueller will uncover a whole lot on The Dufus and his crime family.

    Afraid of losing your tax cut Tom? Why didn't you speak up about the repubs using our tax money to investigate Hillary, and not finding anything? Even Sessions hasn't picked up the mantle, at least not publicly.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 15, 2018, 12:16 PM
    I guess given the events so far you cannot imagine any wrong doing by the Dufus or his sycophants.
    I see no evidence of the alleged underlying crime (which in itself is not a crime) . I see no justification for the appointment of Mueller at all.

    The Dufus had a long history in business that was a warning that was ignored and still is by his ardent followers.
    I for one said that he is vulnerable with his business practices . That is not for a special council to investigate .Mueller was given a counter-intelligence investigation that had nothing to do with Trumps businesses .
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 15, 2018, 02:50 PM
    The intelligence community has found plenty of evidence that Russia conducted a cyber intrusion into our systems, including our voting and elections systems. They have been a recipient of stolen data, or they stole it themselves, and weaponized it during that election as well. That's the underlying crime and the question has always been if they had help or not and if so who. You said that in the last paragraph, and so far any other evidence into other matters have been referred to the proper jurisdictions. Like a traffic stop that ends up being a dope bust or warrant arrest. That's what happens when popo catch you riding dirty.

    What, he should not investigate other crimes he finds along the way? That's not how that works and whose fault is it that a person has legal vulnerabilities? You should have voted for Hillary and let her face the music you righties thinks she deserves. As for the dufus, anything he says can be used against him in a court of law, and he is old enough to know that.

    Good luck with Pence as the new prez. According to Grover Norquist all the right needs is someone that can sign the bills repubs put in front of him. You got that and elections do have consequences. Mueller having nothing on the dufus is a bet I wouldn't take.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 16, 2018, 05:54 AM
    The bet you should take is wheter Trump releases all the docs requested by the Intel committees . I've already stated that Mueller's final report will hedge his bets ,and that is where it will end . Trump holds the cards in the documents . Release them and the bodies of his tormentors will start to fall. The real criminal activity occured in the highest levels of the emperor's justice and intel agencies.if not in the emperor's White House itself
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 16, 2018, 06:25 AM
    The intelligence community has found plenty of evidence that Russia conducted a cyber intrusion into our systems, including our voting and elections systems.
    Yes, and who was the president when that was going on? Who was the guy who stood around and did nothing while the Russkies did that? He did about as much to stop that as he did to stop the disaster in Benghazi.
    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 16, 2018, 06:52 AM
    Three times prior to Mueller appointment, and once after, FBI & DOJ swore to FISA court that there was probable cause to believe Trump campaign officials were complicit in Russia’s cyberespionage operation against 2016 election. Now we find out from Lisa Page testimony to Congress that the FBI couldn’t find proof of Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller named special council . That means there was no basis for the Carter Page initial FISA warrants ;and no legal justification for the special council appointment .There was no crime or evidence of a crime as special counsel regulation mandates ;and Comey was instrumental and intentionally sought to weaponize the FBI, on his way out, under the pretense of a counter intelligence investigation focused on Trump to find a crime.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 16, 2018, 07:05 AM
    I don't care for Trump's personal life. I don't like his tweets and his inability to control his mouth. But I do hope that he will clean out the corruption left behind by years, or even decades, of business as usual in Washington.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 16, 2018, 09:42 AM
    Are you guys starting your own Fantasy Politics League now or what?
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 16, 2018, 02:48 PM
    Are you guys starting your own Fantasy Politics League now or what?
    Yes. You have caught us red-handed.

    What on earth are you talking about? Sounds like the writing of a person who has run out of logical arguments.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Sep 16, 2018, 03:23 PM
    Do you honestly think there is anything honest about the rhetoric here
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 16, 2018, 03:37 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Yes. You have caught us red-handed.

    What on earth are you talking about? Sounds like the writing of a person who has run out of logical arguments.
    Logic doesn't apply when you guys dream stuff up. The Dufus sycophants are falling like flies at a catfish picnic.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 16, 2018, 05:16 PM
    Logic doesn't apply when you guys dream stuff up.
    Glad to hear you finally admit that logic does not enter into your thinking.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 17, 2018, 05:29 AM
    Maybe you misread my posts, or are feeling snarking. My point has been it's you who are not logic, nor quick to admit to the facts seeking instead to duck and dodge the issues we discuss. That usually means you got nothing. You have yet to explain all the prez's men going to jail, or any connections at all to the dufus, and Russia which is becoming very apparent that he and his family have obvious strong ties too.

    You have yet to explain why the dufus has so many criminals on the payroll, or why they lied about their activities, which on the surface calls into question whether this was intentional, or just the dufus being a dufus in his vetting, or associations. Criminals, foreign and domestic, spies and Russian oligarchs with a mix of enough women to brew scandals and now we have his nomination for SCOTUS accused of sexual assault right before a vote to confirm.

    Yet all you can do is keep holding your nose, defending the dufus words, actions, and behaviors, and holler HILLARY? That defies all logic!
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 17, 2018, 10:56 AM
    If you want me to admit to the facts, you might try listing a few. Allegations are not facts. There are no proven connections to Russia, no one on the president's staff is a criminal, no Russian spies or oligarchs involved in the Trump campaign, and the allegation against Kavanaugh is likely another pathetic cheap shot by desperate dems trying to gin up public support against him.

    You need to learn the difference between facts and the fantasies you drum up in your writing. Not the same thing.

    Now Obama lying about Benghazi? Fact.
    The Veterans Admin scandal? Fact.
    Clinton's ridiculous email scandal? Fact.
    The IRS scandal? Fact?
    Cory Booker made to look like a fool with his "Spartacus moment"? Fact.
    Kamala Harris looking ridiculous with her questioning of Kavanaugh? Fact.
    Fast and Furious gun running scandal? Fact.

    So there's some examples of facts for you to think about.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Sep 17, 2018, 11:03 AM
    allegation against Kavanaugh
    I am having trouble wrapping my head around his assertion that birth control pill = abortion. How did he prevent his wife from having more than two children?
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 17, 2018, 12:35 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    If you want me to admit to the facts, you might try listing a few. Allegations are not facts. There are no proven connections to Russia,
    Manafort! I'll stop there so you can process that FACT.

    no one on the president's staff is a criminal, no Russian spies or oligarchs involved in the Trump campaign, and the allegation against Kavanaugh is likely another pathetic cheap shot by desperate dems trying to gin up public support against him.
    Porter was a wife beater, and his campaign cronies are liars who pleaded guilty, and cooperated to some extent with Mueller. The allegations of sexual assault though needs to be explored though I think your conspiracy mindset against her will prevail like it usually does. So lets have that public hearing and find out one way or another.

    You need to learn the difference between facts and the fantasies you drum up in your writing. Not the same thing.
    LOL, listen to you when all your posts are nothing but rock throwing right wing NOISE berift of facts and understanding of the facts and the following is but an example

    Now Obama lying about Benghazi? Fact. NOT a fact but a lie since he called it an act of terrorism that following MONDAY. Look it up!
    The Veterans Admin scandal? Fact. It's still a scandal and that's a fact! Was before Obama, and that's another fact
    Clinton's ridiculous email scandal? Fact. Only in your right wing loony mind that means NOTHING to anyone else.
    The IRS scandal? Fact? Loony wingers who can't fill out simple applications?
    Cory Booker made to look like a fool with his "Spartacus moment"? Fact. DISMISSED as irrelevant
    Kamala Harris looking ridiculous with her questioning of Kavanaugh? Fact. DISMISSED as irrelevant
    Fast and Furious gun running scandal? Fact. Scandalous more for incompetence than wrong doing.

    So there's some examples of facts for you to think about.
    You are a true right wing loony JL, and that's okay as far as I'm concerned. Nothing personal... just an observation.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 17, 2018, 02:08 PM
    Manafort! I'll stop there so you can process that FACT.
    Earth to Tal. Manafort pleaded guilty to crimes committed long before he was associated with Trump. You need to try a LOT harder than that.

    Now Obama lying about Benghazi? Fact. NOT a fact but a lie since he called it an act of terrorism that following MONDAY. Look it up! I did but you didn't. He sent out Susan Rice on five Sunday morning talk shows shortly after to say it was NOT an act of terror. How do you explain that???

    The Veterans Admin scandal? Fact. It's still a scandal and that's a fact! Was before Obama, and that's another fact. Sounds like you admitting it's a fact. It went on during the Obama admin and he did absolutely nothing to hold anyone responsible.

    Clinton's ridiculous email scandal? Fact. Only in your right wing loony mind that means NOTHING to anyone else. You call names when you have nothing useful to say. She destroyed evidence. End of story.

    The IRS scandal? Fact? Loony wingers who can't fill out simple applications? That is the dumbest justification I have ever heard. They discriminated against conservative groups. It's a fact to everyone but you.

    Cory Booker made to look like a fool with his "Spartacus moment"? Fact. DISMISSED as irrelevant. Only by you. How convenient.

    Kamala Harris looking ridiculous with her questioning of Kavanaugh? Fact. DISMISSED as irrelevant. Again, only by you. How convenient.

    Fast and Furious gun running scandal? Fact. Scandalous more for incompetence than wrong doing. People died, but since they weren't named Tal, I guess you don't care. Sad.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Sep 17, 2018, 03:06 PM
    Earth to Tal. Manafort pleaded guilty to crimes committed long before he was associated with Trump. You need to try a LOT harder than that.
    He pleaded guilty to all the charges... BEFORE, After, and during all the way up to 2016...

    Now Obama lying about Benghazi? Fact. NOT a fact but a lie since he called it an act of terrorism that following MONDAY. Look it up! I did but you didn't. He sent out Susan Rice on five Sunday morning talk shows shortly after to say it was NOT an act of terror. How do you explain that???
    If you were tuned into other news feeds as I was then you would know of the riots, demonstrations, and protests at the other embassies on that date, both before and after 9/11/2012

    Cairo and Benghazi Attacks: Two Sets of Fundamentalisms Unleash Havoc |

    But you can read this and save me the writing to debunk your right wing loony fake noise hearby called RWLFN, especially when the arthritis kicks up.

    The Veterans Admin scandal? Fact. It's still a scandal and that's a fact! Was before Obama, and that's another fact. Sounds like you admitting it's a fact. It went on during the Obama admin and he did absolutely nothing to hold anyone responsible.
    Neither has the dufus except privatize it since the real scandal is Not Enough Doctors, which is a system wide national problem.

    Clinton's ridiculous email scandal? Fact. Only in your right wing loony mind that means NOTHING to anyone else. You call names when you have nothing useful to say. She destroyed evidence. End of story.
    Prove it prosecute it and stop hollering about it. You've had decades you now and you got zilch to show! Yeah, that's a fact.

    The IRS scandal? Fact? Loony wingers who can't fill out simple applications? That is the dumbest justification I have ever heard. They discriminated against conservative groups. It's a fact to everyone but you.

    Cory Booker made to look like a fool with his "Spartacus moment"? Fact. DISMISSED as irrelevant. Only by you. How convenient.

    Kamala Harris looking ridiculous with her questioning of Kavanaugh? Fact. DISMISSED as irrelevant. Again, only by you. How convenient.

    Fast and Furious gun running scandal? Fact. Scandalous more for incompetence than wrong doing. People died, but since they weren't named Tal, I guess you don't care. Sad.

    ​I love it when you wingers actually write your loony stuff for all to see.
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Sep 17, 2018, 03:50 PM
    As usual, your replies are filled with error and off the point. Still, this is getting us nowhere. I don't like the name calling, especially when I allow myself to get into it. It is unkind, and that is not how I want to live. You want to criticize Trump? Fine. I'll join you in some of it, but I won't call him or anyone else "Dufus". I will respect him for the office he holds the same way I did Obama. Just spare us the holier than thou idea that having voted for Obama and then Clinton somehow puts a person a rung higher up the moral ladder than the rest of us. They are every bit as dirty as he is. Dems don't like admitting that, but it's true, so try coming down here with the rest of us and admit that politics is generally a dirty business. I don't think it has to be, but there is a lot of money and power involved, and with people being prone to weakness, selfishness, and sin, it just frequently goes in that direction. I voted for Trump because I believed he would appoint SCOTUS judges that would not legislate from the bench and give us abortion on demand and compulsory participation in gay marriage. I hope he will build the wall. I hope he will bring sanity to the budget process. We'll see how that goes. At any rate, those are issues. You can disagree with them and that's fine, but don't act like you voted for saints because that's not true and I think you know that. Even if you don't, you are not a looney left winger. Wrong, but that's about it.

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