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Unapproved by council dwelling
[ 1 Answers ]
Mwy daughter moved into a house that had not been council approved,upon council doing their inspection they deemed not passed.(hey had been told that if it didn't pass they would have to move and that they would get all the rent they had paid and that they would also be re-imbursed moving costs,now...
Missouri Tenant Rights - Unapproved Lease Extension
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I have ended my lease with my apartment and provided more than the 30 day advance notice that is required. My landlord sent me a letter acknowledging that he received my letter but that my lease expires at the end of the month June 30th rather than June 4th. I only signed a one year lease that...
Need info on early release from probation in Wyoming?
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I was ordered to serve 2 to 4 year probation in Wyoming , after serving two and a half years my PO ask the DA if he would be opposed to a early release, after waiting two months with no answer my PO filed a motion to the court for early release. My question is will the judge see this motion or can...
Approved vs unapproved media bias
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After seemingly learning his lesson last year, Obama has reopened his war on Fox News. In a hard hitting interview in Rolling Stone, Obama (after laughing at the question) called Fox News "destructive" right after acknowledging his role in protecting a free press of course. Shortly after...
Marriage while on probation
[ 1 Answers ]
I was wondering if you could still get married while on probation. Wasnt' sure if they could stop you, especially if you have to get married in the same county. Please let me know! Thank you! View more questions Search