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Ca vehicle bill of sale fraud
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, I have a question, I did some work for someone and because that person didn't have money to pay me, he signed a bill of sale to his truck and when I went to DMV to register, I was told that that the car has is recently sold and registered in the name of a third person. What should I do?...
Is a $100 bill from the state of Louisiana shreveport worth anything today?
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The $100 bill is Number 2650 K, dated on 3-10-1863. Also printed "will pay to bearer at the treasure office.
State of Louisiana one hundred dollar bill 1863
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What is a 1863 one hundred dollar bill fron the state of Louisiana worth
Bill of sale fraud?
[ 4 Answers ]
I bought a car 9 days ago and I found out today the person I bought the car from lied to me. He said the car was his step fathers and even wrote me a bill of sale staing I bought this car from his step father... this was the supposed son and he was selling for his step dad. The supposed step dad... View more questions Search