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Theft under $5000 in ontario, canada
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Hi. I am 18 years old and was recently caught trying to walk out of walmart with unpaid cosmetics in my purse. The loss prevention officer took me to the back and read me my rights, and we waited for a police officer to arrive who charged me with theft under $5000. I have a date set for...
Theft over 5 thousand in canada ontario?
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A few months ago I bought a truck that I knew nothing about other then the add saying the truck was in an accident and needed a new frame and was in parts. It was a newer truck and I was being allowed to make payments on it. Which I thought was a good idea. I am only 18yrs old and I will be 19 in...
Youth charged in Ontario,Canada of theft under 5000
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My seventeen year old son was charged and arrested for theft under 5000 . He admitted to stealing hardware from a computer at his job. He is to appear in court in several weeks and will be fingerprinted. I have already hired a lawyer but my question is since he is under eighteen how long will his...
Theft under $5000 in Ontario - diversion, police records check vs. Criminal record!
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Hi Everyone, My situation is unique in that I am a member of a PROFESSION that requires a police records check and Criminal Records Check. I am also up for a government job and don't know if they've already checked my record or not. Either way, I'm looking at losing work and feel FULLY screwed....
Theft under 5000, Canada, Ontario
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My last paycheque (over a thousand dollars) from my past employer was mailed to my previous residence, where the woman living there managed to cash my paycheque "by accident." When she was caught by the bank, she e-mailed me and confessed what she did. I filed a police report but they said that I... View more questions Search
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