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Felony probation violation assault on a police officer class d felony
[ 2 Answers ]
So I have been on felony probation for 2.5 years never violated never been in trouble never had a dirty urine nothing up till August 31st when I was arrested for obstruction of justice a class a misdemeanor and resisting arrest another class a misdemeanor and assajlt on a police officer class d...
Felony probation felony violation-what will happen?
[ 15 Answers ]
I have a godson whose mother is a convicted felon for forgery/writing checks, and is on felony probation, she was recently arrested, they had a bench warrant out for her arrest. She went to court, plead guilty, and went to court this morning to see what the charges were, they consisted of: usage of...
First violation of felony probation??
[ 2 Answers ]
I need help! My husband pled guilty to a first degree felony. He was sentenced to ten years prison time and five years probation. He got out and got a violation of probation charge after two years. It's all a lie and we have evidence to support it, however if we fight this how much time is he...
Felony Violation of Felony Probation
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I live in New York state, and this past week, my boyfriend, who is on Felony probation (and has already went through 1 out of 5 years) for criminal mischief, overdosed on heroin. He was caught with 2 bags of herion on him when the EMT and Police came. He then attempted to eat them so that he...
Felony probation violation
[ 4 Answers ]
My son is being transported from one county 2 another on a felony probation violation for leave his county he spent 60 days for driving without a licesne his probation officer put a warrant out for him so now they have to transport to the other county. What might or could happen as for as time in... View more questions Search