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    mizchulita's Avatar
    mizchulita Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 30, 2007, 07:00 PM
    Do I have to sign a waiver for my son's court-ordered TYC trip?
    TYC stands for Texas Youth Commission (kid jail) for those outside of Texas.

    My son is on six months probation for possession of a dangerous drug in a school zone. (3 Soma pills.) He had never had a referral before--this was his first offense of any kind.

    He has completed all of the terms of his probation except for one, this trip to TYC. Of his own initiative, he got his GED and started college at the age of 16. He also continues to do non-court-ordered volunteer work.

    The problem is that his probation officer is threatening to take us back to court because I will not sign the release of liability forms for him to go on the trip to TYC. TYC has been in the news lately because of rampant abuse of minors within its system. My son would be mixing with kids who are in there for assault and other violent crimes for two hours. I most certainly will not give up my right to sue if something happens.

    Can she do this? I told her that I was not preventing him from going, because I realize it is a term of probation. I said that I simply was not comfortable signing the release of liability forms. Given what goes on in this system, no parent in their right mind should do so.

    I don't think I am breaking any laws. How can she take us back to court?

    Thanks for any insight into this or strategies on how to deal with it.
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    May 30, 2007, 07:46 PM
    Hello miz:

    I don't think they can violate your son's probation because of what YOU are doing. However, since we're dealing with your son's liberty, it's not a good idea for you to act on information you received over the internet, even though the information is from me and I'm right.

    Therefore, I absolutely, would consult with an attorney.

    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 30, 2007, 07:54 PM
    Can they, most likely, part of the terms of the probation was him going to this facility for the program, if he does not go to the program, he does not complete the terms of his probation. Since this is a program you are not required to do ( he can merely go to juv detention)

    Right and fair and what is suppose to happen has little to do with many courts of law,and when you deal with Juv Courts, the adult rule book does not apply.

    I would say at this point, you need a attorney to submit to them, that you are willing to send him, but they have to understand they are liable for any injurty.

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