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Bail bond refund
[ 1 Answers ]
I paid a bail bondsman to get my fiancé out of jail. He did not have court due to a no bill from the grand jury. Do we get any of the money back since everything was dropped?
Bail Bond Requirements
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I see George Zimmerman has a 1 million dollar bond. Is that 100,000 dollars he has to come up with. Plus does he also have to fill the requirements of a surety bond too. Just asking?
Bail bond payment
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How much will your bail be for a class b theft charge?
Bail bond
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Hi I am from Florida and I just found out I have a warrant for my arrest I am going to turn myself in , but can I post my own bail at a bailbondmans before going to the sheriff office or can the bailmans turn me in with out been arrested
Abused / Tied to Bail Bond
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:( I am in a abusive relationship with my boyfriend and I live in FL. How can I leave him and not get my bail bond revoked since he signed it so I can get out. View more questions Search