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    alan67's Avatar
    alan67 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 3, 2007, 09:59 AM
    3rd degree felony grand theft with a vop
    Trying to find out information on what would be my best bet.the case is a bit complex but it is safe to say that the case was poorly represented and the evidence was week but I have two children that I'm raising on my own and they were my only concern at the time that I signed a conviction for something that I didn't do .im sure that I'm not the only person that has ben railroaded by poor defence in there case.I have had back surgery and was having a serious attack of pain and used an old prescription of that I had for pain.needless to say I popped positive for cocaine and in turn was record up to this point has ben clean and all of this has caused extreme duress in my life.I have ben researching the law library for information but being a novice at law I'm very lost and can't afford the 15000 that an attorney said it would cost to get off the charges.IM JUST HOPING THAT THERE IS SOMEONE WHO HAS GONE THROUGH A SIMULER EVENT CAN POINT ME IN THE DIRECTION TO RESOLVE THIS INJUSTACE.tHANKS IN ADVENCE FOR ANY HELP THAT CAN BE GIVEN... ALAN
    excon's Avatar
    excon Posts: 21,482, Reputation: 2992
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    Feb 3, 2007, 10:17 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by alan67
    Hello alan:

    What injustice are you talking about? The conviction or the violation?

    Hmm. After some thought, I guess it doesn't matter. You're not going to get your guilty plea taken back. It's just not going to happen. There are no mulligans in crime.

    And, you're guilty of the violation. You can't take drugs when you're on probation, even if you shouldn't BE on probation. IF your doctor thought you should have pain medication, why didn't he prescribe some?

    No, dude. You're careless. These are the things that happen to a careless person.


    PS> I’m someone who has gone through a similar event, but you’re not going to like the direction I point you in. (1) Don’t plead guilty when you’re not, and (2) don’t take drugs when you’re on probation and you KNOW they’re going to test you.
    mansenyts's Avatar
    mansenyts Posts: 1, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 22, 2010, 12:02 AM
    How did you test positive for cocaine if you were taking pain medication? Pain medication would make you test positive for opiods (heroin/oxycodone which can be a legitimate medicine IF prescribed be a doctor). But opiate based medication does not have cocaine in it. The defense here isn't the only thing poorly represented. I personally know people who take oxycodone for injuries on probation. If you have a legitimate prescription you are OK. But you're problem is that you tested positive for cocaine. There is no prescription for cocaine. It is an illegal narcotic.

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