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Joining the Peace Corps
[ 24 Answers ]
So I have been thinking about joining the peace corps for awhile now, but I just don't know where to start. I have done some research about it already, but basically what all do you do? I want to make a difference in this world somehow and I think this will be the perfect opportunity, but there is...
This corps towed away my car by driving it.
[ 9 Answers ]
I have this unregister car that I just bought at the auction with export license, just trying to fix something in it and the mechanic parked the car in front of their shop in NY ( I mean on the street) this corps driving by and said he's going to tow the car away because its not register and they...
Veterinary Corps in the Army?
[ 2 Answers ]
Hello, my name is alannah I'm 17 and I'm interested in joining the Army for the Veterinary Corps. I'm currently in high school as a senior but I also take a vet tech science class at a tech program which I have been in for two years now. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who is...
Peace Corps
[ 3 Answers ]
I've thought a lot about the Peace Corps as my "after high school plan" instead of going to college (well not completely I want to go after I come back) but it seems like everyone in my area is shoving the idea down all my peers' throats that they have to go to college after high school. I've... View more questions Search