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Corporate shares among business partners
[ 13 Answers ]
Good morning, Myself and a friend started a business aand incorporated (c corp) in 2007. About 6 months into it we needed to borrow money and did so from my grandma. One of her stipulations was that I own 81% of the corporation. So he and I signed and stamped the shares issuing 19 to him and 81...
Can business Partners Force me non-compete
[ 2 Answers ]
I had an online business since 1999, incorporated in 2004 2008 I purchase a company LLC with 2 other individuals that is basically the same type of online business. At the same time this business was purchased, they started using the profit from their shares of the new business to grow many...
Roomates and business partners
[ 1 Answers ]
My situation: between jobs and doing odd jobs to survive. My business partner needed a room for about 4 months Oct-Feb, he made an offer of $500.00 per month his schedule cause him to be on the road most of the time. Two months rent was paid (not on time) the last two months he informed... View more questions Search